The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Lake Ontario taken from Galloo island.

17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse is in custody in Illinois after a shooting during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, left two people dead and one injured. I covered the overnight violence in Wisconsin here.

While we’re on the subject of Kenosha, race baiter Talcum X err, Shaun King issued a threat to the Kenosha PD.

This isn’t the first time Crooker T. Washington err, Shaun King has pulled this crap.

The Justice Department has requested COVID-19 data from the governors of states that issued orders which may have resulted in the deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home residents.  New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan required nursing homes to admit COVID-19 patients to their vulnerable populations, often without adequate testing. It looks like they may be facing an investigation into their policies for nursing homes.

The CDC has revised the guidelines for Chinese lung AIDS. They now say asymptomatic people don’t need to be tested. “You do not necessarily need a test unless you are a vulnerable individual or your health care provider or state or local public health officials recommend you take one,” the CDC now recommends.

Join us for our live coverage of the 2020 Republican National Convention. Speakers include VP Mike Pence, SD Governor Kristi Noem and Texas rep Dan Crenshaw. The post will go up around 2020, with the first speakers scheduled for 2030.

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