The View from Here

Todays featured image is of the Bay of Quinte. The Bay is on the north shore of Lake Ontario in Prince Edward County Ontario province.

Things may be looking up for Kyle Rittenhouse. He’s the 17 year old who found himself needing to shoot three people in Kenosha a couple of days ago. Kyle has been charged with murder for defending himself. I covered that here and here. Well, Lin Wood, part of the legal team that got Nick Sandmann big settlements from WAPO and CNN, has stepped up to organize a defense for Kyle.

Staying in Kenosha, Robert Cobb, 71, saw a video of fires breaking out near the Danish Brotherhood Lodge and The Mattress Shop, spurring him to go defend the businesses from damage and looting. On the scene, Cobb reportedly sprayed a fire extinguisher at looters to keep them away. What did Bob get for his efforts? He was hit in the head by a bottle filled with concrete. He suffered severe lacerations to his head and face and a broken jaw.

I am very quickly tiring of these animals. . . .

Wanna slap a cop? Do it in Virginia, as lawmakers there have just passed a bill allowing assault of a cop to be a misdemeanor charge. A summary of the bill notes that the measure:

Eliminates the mandatory minimum term of confinement for an assault and battery committed against a judge; magistrate; law-enforcement officer; correctional officer; person directly involved in the care, treatment, or supervision of inmates; firefighter; or volunteer firefighter or any emergency medical services personnel and provides that such crime can no longer be committed as a simple assault and must result in a bodily injury.

Oh, judges too? Wait this might be a good thing. . . .

The Chinese tested their DF-21 “Carrier Killer” and the DF-23 “Guam Killer” ballistic missiles in the South China Sea this week. In response, several state owned and/or controlled enterprises were added to the sanctions list. The defense department issued a statement about the tests:

Join us for our live stream of the 2020 Republican National Convention. Tonight features President Trump’s acceptance speech. Our coverage starts at 2020, with the first speakers scheduled for 2030.

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