The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Cross lake. The lake is an oxbow of the Seneca river and is located in Onondaga county NY.

A mural dedicated to a fallen Philedephia police officer was vandalized over the weekend. The mural honored the life of Sgt. Robert Wilson III, who was shot in 2015 at a Gamestop store. Sgt. Wilson had stopped at the store to buy a gift for his son, only to find himself in the middle of a robbery. Investigators said that Sgt. Wilson protected civilians when two suspects shot and killed him. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Valor by President Obama.

Adam Schiff, (DA, C) seems to think Russia is behind the riots and unrest we’re seeing across the country.

I’m beginning to think that’s the only word he knows, it seems to be behind everything. Let’s be clear, the Russian intelligence services are a shell of what they used to be in the Soviet Union, and they were inept then.

I’m just going to leave this here with no comment.

Its looking like President Trump is going to visit Kenosha this week. As of this writing, there isn’t a confirmed itinerary for the visit, but it will likely take place Tuesday.

Joel Miller, Linn County, Iowa’s Auditor and Commissioner of Elections sent out Applications for Absentee Ballots to 140,000 voters in June with forms that were already filled out including their Voter ID numbers. An Iowa judge has invalidated all the applications, citing an Iowa law saying pre-printed applications can not be sent out.

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