The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of the south end Seneca Lake, taken from Watkin’s Glen.

There’s some news out of the Middle East today. According to the Jerusalem Post, Hamas has agreed to some deescalation policies with Israel. Only time will tell if this is going to stick. This comes on the heels of the agreement between the UAE and Israel just last week. I have to wonder if the rest of the Arab states are fed up with the Palestinians and their constant neediness.

Joe has lost the thread. . . .

It’s time for someone, anyone, to step up and say “Joe you had a nice run, here’s some ice cream. Take it down to the basement and have a nice rest.” He’s clearly not fit to be alone in public, much less President of these United States.

Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, has canceled in person election intelligence briefings for Congress and the Dems are howling mad about it. The stated reasoning behind the cessation is that Congress leaks like a sieve. Going forward, any election intelligence briefings will be written. I’m sure there will be a few canary traps built in.

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