UCMJ punishment?

Jesse Nathaniel Hawk, 23

Arrested & charged w/11 criminal offenses, including multiple felonies, at the violent #antifa riot in Portland. He’s in the military and became radicalized by BLM, according to his social media.

jesse.hawk451Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton

My last day with this, these past 4 years have flown by. I’ve experienced a multitude of life changing lessons while carrying this badge

Jessie you piece of shit

you are lucky I am not at your COURT MARTIAL. See it’s like this jessie

you stir the shit

you gotta lick the spoon

back to Pendleton and your Battalion

muster at the range

think of it as an off shoot of Roman Discipline known as the 10th man

live fire exercise

anyone not firing shall join jessie

that is all