3 Words

Honor Courage Commitment

words not taught or explained to Portland Police department

what follows the end result

of no Honor no Courage no Commitment

“Like hey motherfucker, You’ve been watching this whole thing fucking unfold and you didn’t intervene at all or light the crowd up or something? He started laughing and he was like, Man, if I got out and tried to help you guys, my fucking car would be on fire right now, and I’d be running next to you”

Intel from Combat Experts

Three decorated, armed combat veterans were recently incapacitated and nearly killed by Antifa/BLM terrorist in Portland. The three were surprised, overwhelmed, beaten, and chased 11 blocks by armed, trained, and coordinated enemy combatants right here in the USA. Special duty Portland police officers witnessed the beating and chase, but the police could do nothing to stop it.

How could this happen? How could Antifa terrorists be better trained and equipped in communications, surveillance, and tactical execution than a United States Marine?

Perhaps the USMC and the police are fighting the wrong battle with totally inadequate weapons and tactics.

One Marine’s account of his painful, frightening, and humiliating encounter with Portland’s children of darkness sounds like an encounter with demons and the possessed.

The Marine who wrote this warning was with the Marine’s 1st LAR 0311 from the early to late 2000s. Since then, he has been a contractor, presumably in security. His summary of the encounter begins:

Me [sic] and three of my buddies were in Portland this weekend, got attacked by Antifa. There’s a Twitter video with millions of views on it. They ended up on Hannity and Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, etc., of us getting beaten with bats and rocks the size of cantaloupes thrown at us, getting spit on etc. We were all carrying pistols as well. Opportunity, ability and jeopardy, we were in a deadly force situation and we could easily articulate the use of deadly force, but they had pepper sprayed us. They were using industrial strobe lights on us, etc. We couldn’t PID [positively identify] our target and what lied beyond it, They [Antifa/BLM] did a great job of taking our situational awareness away, it was fucking incredible.

Bro my perspective on this changed so much.

The three veterans were in Portland for interviews to become Portland police officers, not to confront rioters. They asked and received permission from the police to witness the riots that they might soon be facing as rookie Portland police officers.

But in all the training that I’ve been through my life, I’ve never been in one where in the first five seconds of the scenario you’re blinded with a strobe light and sprayed with pepper spray…. That changes everything*.

They were throwing these rocks from 15 feet back in the crowd, you couldn’t see who the fuck through it, etc. things like that…. It’s just a good talking point for guys that carry concealed, but you need to think through all these different scenarios.

The part that sounds like aspects of an exorcism begins at this point.

It got way worse after that video ended, they chased us for 11 city blocks. They had a convoy of about 25 vehicles that cut us off at the next intersection, They had scouts on the corner with radios, they had a drone following us, they had a bull horn calling us Nazis, and the crowd was following a red strobe light that was up in the air on a stick, so they would announce Nazis and then people would follow the red strobe light, That video is just the beginning, I’ve got a fucking fractured hand from a baton, everyone of us has black and blue bruises up and down their legs and back, I had a guy spit in my face from 6 inches away, call me a pussy and a coward for not doing anything about it, and then tell me that he was going to find where I live, rape my mother, rape my children in front of me and then kill me.

Antifa Reality Check

2 thoughts in video

why these 2

don’t know, just did is all