This Whole Mask “Thing”

PIC: There are many good reasons to not live in Gaza . . . their face masking choices are but one

Since the citizenry of the United States became aware a novel coronavirus discovered in China was afflicting humans with a sometimes severe and fatal respiratory illness, there has been a national debate over the efficacy and sensibility of everyday people wearing protective face coverings. The ponder, To Wear or not To Wear, has morphed from a query demanding a science-based response into a philosophical and ideological battle of the wills. Why? Because discovery Science did what it usually does . . . offered suggestions based on findings from laboratory-based and anecdotal data, with no definitives. Instead of honestly trying to help us keep ourselves and our loved ones safe from illness, bureaucrats and politicians have used limited data to – once again – engineer humanity.

When collected info on SARS-CoV-2 began to show a strong indication here and a vague perhaps there, control freak types decided to exploit ignorance with emotional hype; the choice was made to alarm rather than to inform. Openings left by logical Science were filled with emotional implorings delivered from a vantage purportedly more enlightened than the average Deplorable is able to grasp. National and international scientific “experts” with letters after their names – who are little more than career bureaucrats with advanced college degrees – began constructing unnecessary and unreasonable guidelines for citizens they neither know nor understand. Appointed and elected officials hoisted themselves imperiously atop anti-viral warhorses, assigning citizenship value to each of us based on our employment. Dismissing those who did not bow and fawn over their edicts as uneducated and uncaring louts. Such denigrating judgments coming from people with the shakiest morals and ethics displayed by humans since the advent of indoor plumbing makes that faction of this viral hysteria particularly absurd.

In the beginning, we were told mask wearing was pointless, the virus was able to penetrate through anything less than a respirator. That’s the truth. A basic, honest message at the onset would have been helpful. Something like . . .

“Face masking will help reduce the transmission of the virus but will not keep you safe from contracting same. Right now, we have an inexcusable shortage of PPE so are asking the General Public to please not use any professional grade respirators. Instead, use one of these face coverings* when you are going to be around others. (*see list of commercially and individually manufactured face mask designs approved to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2.)”

Rather than issue a common sense directive like the example above, bureaucrats ’round the globe decided to go with . . .

“SOCIAL DISTANCE OR WE’LL ALL DIE! (2 meters, six feet, two feet – ignore the discrepancies, just follow whatever instruction your geographical zone is supposed to follow.) Don’t waste your time or your money on cloth or surgical-type masks, they are ineffective. Do not selfishly use apparel needed by medical professionals and first responders. Instead, stay home with your grumpy ass kids and try not to exhale on other life forms, even when cursing the day said life form was born because you are now expected to be a higher math teacher in between advanced literature lessons and Zoom calls. Oh, and wash your hands. Especially you people who insist on going to work. By the way, if you are going to work and have not been deemed essential personnel, you’re a selfish jerk who rejects Science.”

President Trump chose to respect the non-committal nature of scientific discovery. Rather than invent definitives, he’s been comfortable in the world of the unknown . . . encouraging people to exercise common sense, to make prudent choices for themselves and for their families. And, he decided to respect State’s rights, allowing and expecting Governors to decide how to handle the virus as it moved across the nation. Some opportunists amongst us recognised the sad truth that many citizens have already been conditioned by the Nanny State. Those savvier exploiters decided to take off the Democrat gloves, grabbing ahold us with both of their lil Red hands.

A few months of Communism 101 and we find ourselves in a very tense nation where the only altar regularly open for legal worship is Hypocrisy. Federal officials, governors and town mayors are stomping all over citizens rights in the name of Public Safety. Unenforceable edicts mandating the wearing of face coverings when in public erupt across the nation. “If you want to go out, you have to cover up,” seems more like a shakedown than responsible governing.

The displays of dual standards generously applied to unmasked conservatives at peaceful rallies and unmasked retards destroying other people’s property in cities like Minneapolis, Seattle and Portland become more and more difficult to justify and digest. People are growing ever more restless, resentful and not inclined to believe everything somebody propped up behind a camera might have to say about almost any facet of any topic, much less COVID-19. Trust is in short supply, skepticism has turned to outright scoffing. The anti-mask crowd starts to dig in, potentially at their own expense . . . common sense takes a back seat to principle. It’s getting real crazy, now.

Adults are telling other adults how to behave, attacking strangers verbally and physically if they walk about in public with their smile showing. When the unmasked do defend themselves from rabidly dutiful drones, that is the masking conflict story published in the national news. Other way around, one has to search for postings of personal cellphone video and through internet blogs to find the stories of innocent, bare-faced citizens being assaulted by crazed, masked Marxists. In an already dicey economic climate, supposedly peace loving, tolerant enforcers of unproven scientific lore have actually gotten people fired from their jobs and multi-generational businesses permanently shuttered.

The masking debate has become a competition for bored, healthy, sport-deprived people. An unnecessary debate as there was always an easy way to avoid any conflict – government, tell the truth and citizens, mind your own business. Oh, the health and well-being of society IS your business, ya say? Then, go clean the human feces off of San Francisco’s sidewalks.

Scientific discovery no longer matters, people have made up their minds and that is all there is to it. Those who bristle against government overreach and meddling strangers will refuse any mask mandates, on principle. Evidence of efficacy might change some minds if presented as true Science . . . can we trust anything that’s offered as same? Common sense, observation and studies performed with influenza viruses in the past say Yes, a properly applied, properly manufactured face covering will help to limit the spread of COVID-19 infections. Help limit the spread. Not, stop the spread or keep you 100% safe from infection. That’s the info, let adults cogitate and act as they feel is suitable.

Face Mask Shamers, a word . . . suggesting people who do not wear face masks in public ought not get a hospital bed should they fall ill with COVID-19 is not a fine example of caring about the health and well-being of your fellow humanoids. Truly, mind your own damn business. Since so many of you are used to being led by the hand through Life, I’ve provided a few tips on how to accomplish this feat:

  • If you work retail for a store with a mandatory face mask policy, do not invade an unmasked customers Social Distance space to call them bad names. Call the police and report a loiterer, have them remove the unmasked person from your premises. And, shut the hell up.
  • Remember that you are not the owner, boss, parent or legal guardian of other adults so have zero authority to tell them what to do.
  • To the point above, a polite request may beget a positive response. May. Being kind does not mean others will be kind to you. Believe it, or not.
  • You embraced Social Distancing as the means by which we’d beat this beast, go back to doing that. Keep space between yourself and the unmasked. Please.

This mask “thing” is a fine illustration of what happens when fearful and timid people who have grown accustomed to receiving confident, unambivalent instruction from the Party, I mean their elected officials, are expected to make thoughtful choices for themselves. The whole mess could have been avoided with honesty, courtesy, tolerance and respect for differences. Characteristics the willing tools of useful idiots would be able to employ if they’d been properly parented, that’s another rant for another day. A reminder for the folks who didn’t get the memo . . .

The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.
– Ronald Reagan