AAN EXCLUSIVE: Fredericksburg Deter ANTIFA/BLM Protesters

AAN EXCLUSIVE: Fredericksburg Locals Outnumber and Deter ANTIFA/BLM Protesters

EXCLUSIVE: AAN reporters were on the scene in Fredericksburg, Virginia for a BLM/ANTIFA rally. Many expected the radical left-wing protesters to wreak havoc throughout the town.

The screenshot below was the flyer for the event.

However, what we saw was much different. Locals showed up en mass and outnumbered the protesters. They heckled them with “back the blue” chants and the left-wing agitators peacefully retreated.

BLM protesters gathered at Hurkamp Park in Fredericksburg, Va. around 5 P.M. on Friday night to march in the streets but a heavy presence of Trump-supporting locals deterred the protesters from resorting to violent acts. 

BLM and ANTIFA-suspected cars were circling the downtown streets maneuvering a “chase and scout” strategy. Some protesters had radios and were communicating with people in the cars. Hand signals such as the hang-loose sign were shown to signal one another across the streets. 

A tall, bearded man was even armed with a gun visibly at his hip while he directed the protests. It appeared that he was ‘calling the shots’ as he utilized his radio and hand-signals. Sources and online photos have matched this protester from footage in Portland and around the country. 

As BLM marched, local freedom-loving patriots yelled out their car windows colorful words and harsh exchanges. One local yelled at a man walking on the sidewalk, “Are you ANTIFA? Why are you wearing a mask?” and flipped his middle finger up. 

Two local ministers were seen walking in the protest with their hands folded and a Bible in hand. 

Photo Courtesy: Krista Oliver

A local man stood on a downtown corner waving the American flag as cars drove by and honked. The man pictured below is Kenneth Berkley, a retired hardwood floor businessman who loves God, freedom, and country. 

Kenneth Berkley waving his American flag

“This is a really old, historic town and I would hate to see it burned to the ground,” Berkley said.

While Berkley talked to AAN reporters during a 5-minute window, three men in pick-up trucks drove by with American flags. One man yelled, “Are you guys, Patriots? Come to the top of the hill. We need y’all.” 

Photo by: Krista Oliver
A local Trump-support Patriot driving around Fredericksburg flying the American flag

The small town 50 miles outside of D.C. had a previous protest in June that led to several arrests, rubber bullets being fired, tear gas deployed, the police department being firebombed, and a few stores were broken into, such as Corky’s Military and Police store. 

Corky’s owner, Graham, told AAN that he had a few of his close friends watching the store back in June when he suspected three ANTIFA-affiliated males broke the glass of his front door in an attempt to rob him. The three males were met with guns drawn when they got inside the store. Luckily, nothing was taken and the only casualty was Graham’s front door but unfortunately, other shops weren’t so lucky. 

Photo By: Krista Oliver
Outside of Corky’s Military and Police store

Waller & Co. Jewelry store — a 120-year-old, black-owned shop was also broken into in June. This time around, two security guards stood outside of the shop while protesters marched on by. 

The protest started at 4:30 P.M. at Hurkamp Park and ended at 7 P.M. The march was peaceful and protesters dispersed as soon as it was done.

This one went much differently than the one in June. Locals showed up en mass and outnumbered the protesters. They heckled them with “back the blue” chants and the left-wing agitators peacefully retreated.

This is an AAN Exclusive from the Staff – September 5, 2020

See Also: The View from Here