Ever notice, don’t matter what time of day or night, the news for the most 99.999% is negative waves
I just cannot operate like that
example of what I mean
When Kelly asked Oddball tonight, right here
(points at map)
No good man , the boys got something planned tonight
tomarrow night?

If one thinks about it ( not to long)
America is a country of Misfits who got shit to do why do I say that?
We can produce and outwork any group people on the planet
come home tired get up and do it again all the while raising families
giving thanks for what we have not bitching about those things we don’t have
We don’t like being told what to do, how to it and where to do it when it comes our personal lives
America don’t operate that way
the look of
fuck around and find out

so here’s song to break the negative waves
least for this day