Banging my Life away

Now don’t let your mind wander off into the weeds, as in

“Not now Martha, the British are out side”

I got music playing

See it’s like this, I have an area of fur to which I wish to apply a leather medallion of sorts, and kinda, somewhat

pay no mind to the top of fur, that’s wear the head usta be

I pay no mind to it so you shouldn’t either

I’m talking about the flap of fur at the buttom

having a limited area to work, with so I gotta think of something cool

a riddle of sorts but not really
so far I got this
“When truth and fairness are different from what is law,
better it is to follow truth and fairness”
done in viking rune
as you see it’s not really a riddle
I find them to be good words
this is a riddle
A box without hinges, key or lid,
Yet golden treasure inside is hid.

Another possible
Great deeds and ill deeds often fall within each other’s shadow
the picture is of the Death Dealer
there’s n Army post where it stands