Be a keeper of Knowledge

Learning to read or reading comprehension

neither one come into play if the books are burned

Unsurprisingly, not a single book was looted by these heathens

they aren’t even worthy of the last name savages

I’ve been called a Heathen Savage a few times so I about such things

ok ok more than a few times

Now that we got ugliness out in the open

let’s focus on the good stuff

I have a book which has lots of pictures

where reading and comprehension are must have items

sprinkled throughout the book is tidbits of history it’s broken into different parts of the country

I’d say Nation, but that implies we are United in common purpose

Let’s begin

I betcha you didn’t know that about Pasties eh!

Shoo fly pie sounds like something found on a Thanksgiving table

not much to Phyllo because it’s less than paper thin
Cajuns will eat just about anything, my kind of people

IS this America’s future the Left wants for US?

When books burn

people are next

Those with books will be sought after

The Keepers of knowledge during the Dark ages were Monks

why were those times known as Dark ages?

the world went from running water to wells

there is also this line of thinking

Out of chaos comes order

The Illuminati