
Yaknow, no you don’t know, but you know I’m about to tell ya

first and foremost it ain’t easy being me

when I lose signal at night I don’t care

actually it’s a Godsend

see that featured picture

I was getting an earful how he traded something for the bow and got a very nice deal on the AK

he was so excited I thought he gonna cream his jeans from his excitement ( can say that, to late ready did) all while I’m thinking, please lose signal, I’ll be a good boy… please.. I’m saying fuking please ffs. FINALLY no bars.

Manners still count

Back to my project

I’m not wanting instant gratification unlike these assholes

If I’m gonna something, I’m gonna do it right and wait till whatever it is I’m doing is done an step back an look and think

how things will be received as a gift of friendship

smiles are plenty of payment for me

money is tool is all

just like firearms

both can do good or great harm

So while I work the project I have something in my brain gnawing away like a bad case of jungle rot

talking about my Mother, anno not in a bad way ever

See it’s like this

what sort of gift you give someone that they haven’t owned 10 times over or more already?

Her birthday is November 10th which is like really super cool eh!

after her 88 birthday she told me in no uncertain terms NO MORE TEE SHIRTS

back then she was known as Ole Eagle eye

she lost 1 do to cancer

for someone gone through menopause 5 times and come the victor

cancer had no chance

as she said

thank God he gave me a spare!

She’s now blind so what she is doing?

She walks the edge of the drive with a twice broke back counting the steps

pulling a red rider wagon to the curb so the garbage man can collect the trash

I still got one by her 🙂

you have no idea how far I had to drive to find a pizza hut

just so she could wear her tee i gave her

she was beaming with Pride 😛

everything was going just fine until the waitress dropped the pizza on the floor after seeing mother’s Tee

so by now you all are probably thinking I’m am the worst of the bunch or what’s left of us

au contraire <— fancy word usage —> I know fancy words, I prefer using the KISS effect

Keep It Simple Stupid

That sis of mine got mother liking Margaritas over that summer, it was a fun summer 🙂

Mother what you wanting for your birthday it’s standard question these days

Pizza! I want you to smoke a pizza

so that year I smoked a pizza

sis made cake and bought her a gift for her 88 birthday

I was stunned into silence how well her gift was received

sounded like a chicken coop outta control

such double standards on full display

and then there’s that pile of frigging paperwork I’ve been ignoring for days now

few things in life I really hate

paperwork is like at the top of the list no wait

Jungle rot and then paperwork

as you squint

while thinking what the fuck did I just read

I’ll leave you with this thought

there’s no paperwork during a CW