County Sheriff Won’t…

County Sheriff Won’t Help Portland Police

Chris Davis, who is the deputy chief of the Portland Police Bureau, requested backup from Multnomah County.  Deputy Chief Reese learned that two opposing groups, the far-right Proud Boys and far-left Antifa, are both planning on demonstrating Saturday night. These groups, according to Reese, have a history of violent feuds. 

The county sheriff declined to provide backup due to city’s strict regulations on crowd control methods. Those “strict regulations”prohibit the use of tear gas. The restriction is at the direction of the Portland Mayor. Sheriff Reese told the Portland Police that there were  “no sound tactical options” to disperse violent crowds. 

The police chief has stated he and the mayor are creating plans to address the two demonstrations this weekend. 

Please pardon me while I snicker over their “creating plans”. So far, in the over 100 days of mayhem, there seemed to be no plan to put a stop to the destruction of the city. One has to wonder what the “plans”will be if other law enforcement agencies are unwilling to jeopardize the safety of their officers. 

Mayhaps vehicles, like the one shown below, will quell the anarchy.