
What does deracinate mean:
1: to remove as if by pulling up 2: to pull up by the roots 3: to displace from a country or traditional habitat

Listening to a recent interview with Dr. Craig Paul Roberts on the Greg Hunter show (as seen below); I thought to myself, this is the methodology they are deploying to undermine our future, our history and our culture, as a nation. This is, in effect how they are bringing about their “revolution“.

One can never receive enough sensitivity training. /s We see the invasive and pervasive targeting of highly successful executives, managers, supervisors in the corporate world. We see it within the primarily liberal dominated teachings within the Universities and Colleges. Repeated, once again within the early education system.

Who is their target? The largest American demographic within the racial profiles or Anyone who is white or Caucasian, and more specifically men. The hunters, gathers and protectors. For decades they focused their attention on destroying the family unit, within the Black communities and placing a Planned Parenthood on every other street corner. Maintaining those communities in perpetual poverty, with a four year cycle of empty promises, never fulfilled. Simultaneously, we watched the feminism movement morph from primarily equalized treatment within the workplace to the bedroom. And most recently compounded with the gender identity theft.

This is a very serious attack that is being waged psychologically against our nation and I believe the President has responded appropriately:

At the direction of President Trump, the White House Office of Management and Budget will move to identify and eliminate any trace of “critical race theory” in the federal government.
Critical race theory is the leftist, racist doctrine that forms the intellectual underpinnings of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and other radical organizations currently engaged in unrest on America’s streets.
It alleges, among other things, that the United States is a white supremacist country, and that all white people are guilty of racism, whether they intend it or not.

Will the Left be successful? If, the primarily Democrat managed cities and states are allowed to continue to undermine law and order, which the police are charged with maintaining. Then potentially yes, as the intentionally fueled racial tensions will escalate to the boiling point and spill over. Amazing, how the Left took the cultural, social and economic diversity within the nation, which are a founding principle and weaponized it against US.

The simultaneous sensitivity training or critical race theory within corporate America, Federal Agencies (FBI/DoJ), and middle class America is intended to create hesitation, inaction, and overthrow.

See Also: Riots in Rochester