Eye Spy With My Little Eye

I was Curious as to why a recent article from The Hill chose, what appears to be a rather unflattering photo of Susan Sandler and who exactly is this lady?

Philanthropist Susan Sandler announced on Monday that she will invest $200 million in social justice organizations committed to fighting systemic racism and boosting turnout in underrepresented communities in battleground states.

Sandler announced the investments, which will be carried out through the newly formed Susan Sandler Fund, in a Medium post.

Among the progressive groups that have received grants from the organization are the Texas Organizing Project, New Virginia Majority and the New Florida Majority, Sandler wrote.

“I have come to believe that the most effective way to transform societal priorities and public policies is to change the balance of power, not change the minds of those who hold power,” she wrote.

“When government is responsive to — and, frankly, fearful of — the people who most bear the brunt of inequality and injustice, then better priorities, practices and policies follow,” she added.

So without a tremendous amount of digging, (lucky hits) I found some very interesting facts out, related to Ms. Sandler and a copy of the original photo, which her picture was cropped from with her husband, Steven Phillips. Phillips, a San Francisco lawyer is also a regular writer for the New York Times and is best known as a co-founder of PowerPAC. The very same PowerPAC that in 2018 backed: John Chiang (California), Stacey Abrams (Georgia), Ben Jealous (Maryland), Andrew Gillum (Florida) and David Garcia (Arizona).

Phillips and his partners in the highly secretive group Democracy Alliance hope that by electing far-left governors into four currently Republican-led states, the drive to impeach President Donald Trump and destroy his “Make America Great Again” agenda will be accelerated.

And yes, we are speaking of the same famed Democracy Alliance, which was founded by George Soros and Erica Payne.

Phillips and his wealthy leftist colleagues are also working closely with Our Revolution, the nationwide leftist alliance formed out of the Bernie Sanders campaign. Our Revolution is completely dominated by the largest Marxist organization in the United States, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Our Revolution also has support from Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS), and FRSO. The three latter groups support the Chinese Communist Party, as do certain sectors of DSA.

This article from Epoch Times is a great read and well worth the time. However, although very informative, is not some of the more fascinating aspects to this powerful, yet rather secretive billionaire couple.

Susan is the daughter of the Herb and Marion Sandler. The same Sandler’s who founded the Golden West Savings & Loan (World Savings) and cashed out in 2006, just prior to the housing bubble crash, by selling their company for $24.3 billion to Wachovia in North Carolina—the same bank that went belly-up a couple of years later. Wachovia eventually landed in the lap of Wells Fargo.

In the eyes of many taxpaying Americans, however, the bailouts that followed smacked of cronyism between big government and big business. But the most notorious cronyism took place behind the scenes. It included actors in the nonprofit and philanthropic world, both of which had excessive influence in the crisis and its legislative aftermath. Call it full spectrum cronyism.

In August 2010, housing activist Martin Eakes boasted to a gathering of MBA students at Duke University that the ideas hatched in the nonprofit that he founded, called Self Help, were now the law of the land. He was referring to provisions in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which had passed the month before.

Sandler and his wife, Marion Sandler, made news in 2008 at the height of the financial crisis, because their bank had pioneered the “option ARM loan,” which the New York Times called the “Typhoid Mary” of the housing crisis. Time magazine listed the couple among the twenty-five people to blame for the financial crisis, and even Saturday Night Live initially parodied them for their role in the meltdown.

Some could barely withhold their disdain at the beginning of the crash and justifiably so…..

At the heart of the problem were mortgages designed and promoted to lure people into signing on the dotted line — while unwittingly signing away their future. The epicenter of this earthquake was in California. But the true epicenter can be located with greater precision at the headquarters of World Savings, the nation’s second-largest savings and loan, founded and led by Herb and Marion Sandler.

Will the Sandlers suffer more than just obloquy in the press• Will the U.S. attorney be successful• Will abused borrowers be able to bring successful class actions?

The answer might well be found in Washington.

The Sandlers are sugar daddies to the Democratic Party. The couple and their children have given more than $350,000 to party committees, candidates and liberal political action committees. They gave money to help fund the Obama transition team before he assumed office.

They, along with their political and ideological ally George Soros, are among the top five funders in America of 527 groups that promote a liberal agenda.

And once again we see the re-emergence of some of the most unsavory names to be bantered about in most recent years

The center now is providing people to man key positions in the Obama administration. John Podesta — the head of CAP — led the transition team.

Will levers be pulled to help the Sandlers avoid further scrutiny• Will Attorney General Eric Holder, not immune in the past to allowing political factors influence his decision-making, send a message to the U.S. attorney in San Francisco to focus on other issues than the Sanders?

One more question: Why has House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., not looked in her own backyard for the people partly responsible for our nation’s problems?

And NO – I am not even remotely interested in why John Podesta has amassed 731 emails with the Sandler Foundation. Common sense tells me to stay on the green side.

Now, while many of us may retort loudly, at what seem to be the weaponizing of ill gotten gains, against the silent majority, by those we refer to as the Left; there is a part of me that sits in awe with their sheer unabated moxie.

And I did discover, or what I assume at least, was the reason for Susan’s generous $200 million donation. Back in 2016, Susan was diagnosed with glioblastoma, which is an aggressive form of brain cancer. Life expectancy can be quite short and she may have been celebrating year four.

But that’s just my opinion 🙂