Field notes

While out an about lookin for bee nests ( winter preview) I noticed I went on a 3 mile jaunt

which in reality turns out to be 6, I had to walk back right.

Don’t care

It’s not my body that’s fucked up, so here I am out in the bush


Chance, we all only have two paths

lose the mind or lose the body Just the way Life is so let’s see what’s over the next nole

Down then up

Still walkin an lookin around the word partisan came to to mind

which led to more smiling

Even the tiniest flea can drive a big dog crazy

When I was overseas we were the good guys. Well, now will am I the bad guys? ok

and fine

We’re the bad guys, we create chaos

I laughed out loud at that and just kept walking

it’s beautiful out here

some words from a remake

“I’m going to fight. I’m going to fight. Now, this is easier for me because I’m used to it. The rest of you are gonna have a tougher choice. Look, I don’t want to sell it to you; it’s too ugly for that. It’s ugly, and it’s hard. But when you’re fighting in your own backyard, and you’re fighting for your family, it all hurts a little less and it makes a little more sense. And for them, this is just some place, but for us?

This is our home

When I no longer smile

it’s game on

walking an humping 6 miles

I’m not sore

tired maybe but not sore