Is This The Clinton’s – Capone Caper Moment?

The Judicial system to date, has been unsuccessful in obtaining testimony from Hillary Rodham Clinton under Oath? To quote another “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

The purported dizzying array of crimes that have been associated with the Clinton’s would fill this page and then some. However, everyone in “the club” seems to know their positions in this overall drama and one might consider them all to be teasers. In other words, take the public to the precipice and then change the topic and redact the files for national security purposes.

Game – Set – Match

Enter, two stubborn and relentless Irish lads – Moynihan & Doyle. Who are they and what do they have to do with Hillary Clinton? Nothing, they neither know the Clintons, nor have they worked for any Clinton organization.

However, what they do is review and audit 501 (C) 3 organizations for irregularities and then file a submission with the IRS. The objective being the IRS will audit the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global not for profit organizations, based upon their findings and submissions and therein make a determination (taxes payable) and they, Moynihan & Doyle could potentially receive between 10% to 30% of those funds. A finder’s fee, if you will.

To be clear, Moynihan and Doyle stated under Oath during a hearing held of which Mark Meadows chaired, on December 13, 2018 that in their view the potential exists of between a minimum of $400 million and $2.5 billion would be subject to tax. And yes, they had seen evidence of Pay to Play, as well.

A 501(c)(3) organization is a corporation, trust, unincorporated association, or other type of organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of Title 26 of the United States Code. It is one of the 29 types of 501(c) nonprofit organizations in the US.

Unrolling the Ranbaxy Pharma thread above:
(this is but one example of the Clinton Foundation’s irregular business dealings; based upon a company (CF) that was registered for the purposes of the Clinton Library (building and operation) only in Little Rock, Arkansas)

Returning to the Primary Twitter Thread:
(However, I believe this single example above, will give you an appreciation of how very nervous this 501 (C) 3 Audit is making everyone; be that the DoJ, the IRS or the Intelligence Agencies or a whole host of other “investors” aka “shareholders”.)

I provided one example of one Book (Book 1 of 15 books) unrolled – each Book reference, which appears above should be selected and unrolled to obtain the supporting information for that Tweet.

Now, you be the Judge – has Moynihan & Doyle succeeded in helping to bring about closure to decades of criminal activity, which has been referred to in some circles as the Clinton Crime “Family” ?