Joe Takes “Questions” at Presser

Joe Biden came out of the basement just long enough to hold a press event yesterday. He gave a statement and then answered some questions from reporters.

But Joe wasn’t allowed to pick who asked the questions, his “staff” called on reporters. Presumably because the staff and selected reporters coordinated on which questions were acceptable.

True to recent form, Joe’s answers were incomprehensible. Take this word salad as an example.

And in this clip, Joe is asked about the killings of Jacob Blake and Breona Taylor. At one point, he suggests that Breona should be charged.

I honestly don’t know what he’s trying to say here, but it comes out as Trump’s economic policies are working.

As the event was winding down, Joe takes one last question from Fox News’ Peter Doocy. The response was a rambling, mendacious, incoherent rant.

I can hear the staffers slapping their heads and muttering Dear God no. . . .

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Its really time for someone, anyone, to step up and end this farce. Joseph P Biden isn’t fit to be president of the He-Man Woman Haters club. I can’t believe anyone would want that doddering, half lucid, prevaricating, old fool to be President of the United States.