Life After Democrats

A recent article from Jeff Goldberg, editor-in-chief for The Atlantic where he asserted that anonymous sources had provided him with his blazing headline for September 3: Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ has definitely created a stir in DC and everywhere else.

Unfortunately for Mr. Goldberg the very same day that his article appeared it was also debunked as being unreliable & false by Techno Fog. Now for those of you, who are not familiar with Techno Fog. He happens to be a very reliable and credible lawyer, who has completed excellent pro bono research on the General Michael Flynn case.

And this too was an interesting twist, which sent up flags for anyone who is a regular and familiar with the Twitterverse. This tweet appeared on the same day September 3 and has 118,800 upvotes/likes. Now the only time you will see that number of likes is if they are a Democrat or one of their left leaning supporters. And if you catch it at the exact moment, within that short window of the post appearing the likes will increase very rapidly.

Even Army Staff Sergeant Bobby Henline has found himself pulled in to the middle of this drama without his knowledge or permission.

But we all know how the propaganda machine works and once MSM have their 4 AM talking points; just try and stop it. Bobby has not been successful in having his image removed, so far. But he is quickly becoming one of social media, darlings; appearing in articles in Gateway Pundit and Breitbart. Never the less, he remains undeterred and maintains a sense of humor after being thrust in to the spotlight.

Finally, it appears on September 7 that Mr. Goldberg is running out of clarification talking points and the truth may be around the corner. But, I somehow doubt it…..

And wouldn’t you just know it. This is not the first time Operation L&S has been deployed as Shipwrecked points out with RedState News. Dan Rather back in 2004 had a Goldberg moment. Wonder if they know one another, Goldberg & Rather that is?

Among the reading I did over the weekend about the Atlantic article, I had a “V8” moment (Google it) when I read this piece at Powerlineblog noting similarities between the Atlantic story and the bogus National Guard story run by Dan Rather and 60 Minutes against President Bush 43 just ahead of the 2004 election.  The guys at Powerline came to prominence as a result of their work on gutting Rather’s story.  Pretty much 99.99% of the real world — everyone except Rather — understands now that “Rathergate” was based on a bunch of documents that were created for the purpose of generating the resulting story, which had zero basis in fact.

Currently, we have Kamala Harris and Peter Strzok warning us about the Russians, AGAIN. Surely, there is another Trump sex scandal just around the corner.