Only in LA

Those were the words spoken by an air traffic controller at LAX after receiving reports of a man wearing a jet pack flying near the airport.

Pilots from two separate airlines reported seeing a man with a jet pack flying near them as they made their final approach to the airport. An FAA spokesperson says the incident was reported by crews on Southwest Airlines and American Airlines flights who say they saw “what appeared to be someone in a jet pack” around 6:35 p.m. Sunday near the airport.

The transcript of the encounter:

Pilot: “Tower, American 1997, we just passed a guy in a jet pack”

Tower: “American 1997, OK, thank you, were they to your left side or right side?”

Pilot: “Off the left side at ah maybe 300-ah-300 yards or so, about our altitude”

Tower: “OK American 1997”


Tower: “Southwest 6046”

Southwest Pilot: “Tower, we just saw the guy pass by us”


Tower: “JetBlue 23 please caution a person with a jet pack reported 300 yards south of the LA final at about 3000 feet”

Pilot: “JetBlue 23 we heard and are definitely looking”

Tower: “Only in LA”

H/T: catherinette