Opinion David Clark?

A Milwaukee man has reportedly been arrested after pulling a gun on a mob of Black Lives Matter supporters who were surrounding his home for several hours.

“They went specifically to his house to protest him for ‘being a racist.’ The homeowner was arrested, and the crowd remains outside. They seem to have gone on his property. WTF Milwaukee?” Kitty Shackleford, a Twitter user that archives riot footage, tweeted along with videos.

After the mob was outside his home for more than two hours, police arrived. As they entered the man’s property, the rioters cheered for police and called for the man’s arrest, yelling about how he had a weapon. When the man was taken outside, seemingly in cuffs, the crowd went wild.

The militant leftists were threatening the man saying that he was going to have big problems if he dared to step outside.

As they threatened him, shined lights into his home, and pranced all over his property, he pointed a shotgun out the window.

It does not appear that any members of the mob have been arrested.

Arrested for defending one’s self and property

a possibility is he was Safely removed for his protection?

that’s the question I’d ask David Clark with Respect of course

with a follow up comment

it’s getting hard to defend the Thin Blue Line when actions such as the lAWLESSNESS is ignored

Shadows of 1937/38