Opinion: Debate Observations

Let me start off by saying I thought the debate turned into a shit show after the first five minutes.

In that starting few minutes, I really thought the debate was going to be, not decorus, but at least collegial. It seemed to me that Trump was a little surprised it turned as quickly as it did. That said, he adapted quickly.

Trump was peak Trump last night. He made his points, despite it being 2 to 1 at times, and didn’t allow Joe to skate most of the time.

Joe was lucid, for the most part. A win for his camp. There were a couple of occasions when it looked like he was going off the rails, but either Trump or Wallace bailed him out.

The biggest disappointment of the debate was the performance of the moderator, Chris Wallace. He asked leading questions, feigned ignorance, allowed Joe to not answer questions and interrupted Trump far more than Biden.


The oddest takeaway from last night’s debates comes courtesy of Frank Luntz. Luntz ran one of his realtime focus groups last night. Out of 15 undecided voters in the virtual event, four said they were supporting Joe Biden after the debate and two backed President Donald Trump. The rest remained undecided.


While nothing I saw last night changed my opinion of either candidate, well maybe a little bit about Joe, it did manage to turn this inveterate political junky off a bit.