Portland Police, FBI and…

Portland Police, FBI and U.S. DOJ Refuse to Arrest Antifa Murder Suspect Michael Reinoehl Because He Supports Joe Biden and Black Lives Matter…

Aaron “Jay” Danielson was shot and killed on the streets of Portland Oregon. The killing was caught on camera.  Everyone knows exactly who killed him. He has been identified as Michael Reinoehl.

Everyone knows who allegedly committed the act, yet nary a single law enforcement agency has yet to arrest him. 

As it appears Reinoehl s a supporter of Antifa and  BLM, it would seem he is above the usual practices. One only has to think how quickly Kyle Rittenhouse was charged and confined to understand the different standards. 

See Also: The View from Here

It would appear Trump supporters are disposable. Antifa and BLM supporters are untouchable. 

 As an interesting side note, it was Reinoehl’s sister who called the police and identified him. 

Managing Editor’s note: this editor reviewed this article prior to publication and informed the author additional edits for grammar and spelling were necessary. For some reason, those additional edits were not completed before this piece went to press. This editor has corrected the post as much as he dared.