Queen Karen Removed From Throne

White Privilege . . . can we make that a dirty word? Let’s go ahead and bury it with the N word in a different – seemingly – unmarked grave.

Spirit Airlines experienced an unruly passenger moment that could have been avoided if their flight attendants received proper instruction on critical race theory. Situations like the one you are about to watch in the clip below can be peacefully de-escalated when employees have been taught how to interact with other people, based on the color of one’s skin. (Truly, an emoji that goes brain dead and pops some bubble gum REALLY needs to be created)

Please enjoy this mornings episode of, “Karens in the Wild” that reportedly took place on a tarmac someplace in Sacramento CA. I know I sure did! WARNING: The following clip contains dirty words, including the F word and the W phrase

So concludes this mornings moment of enlightenment . . . about Christianity, the origin of Man, entitlement complexes and coronaviruses. 😄

See Also: Field Notes