Schumer has a Tantrum

Bill Evanina, the director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center for the Office of the DNI, was scheduled to brief the Senate Intelligence Committee about election-related interference after democrats complained about the end of in person election security briefings.

Chuck Schumer objected saying “Reserving the right to object because the Senate Republicans have no respect for the institution, we won’t have business as usual here in the Senate. I object,” after Marco Rubio, acting chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, asked for consent during a floor speech.

Rubio issued a statement after the kerfuffle. It reads in part:

“Just a short time ago, Democratic leaders demanded more briefings on election interference,” Acting Chairman Rubio said. “The Senate Intelligence Committee was scheduled to have a briefing today with Director Evanina, who leads our nation’s election security efforts. However, Senator Schumer had a temper tantrum over the Supreme Court and used a procedural move to cancel the Committee’s briefing.”

It seems Chuck only cares about politics and grandstanding. His little tantrum comes despite his continued and vociferous calls to maintain the “norms” in the Senate.