SCOTUS Chatter

A bill has been introduced in the House that will put a term limit on justices on the Supreme Court. The bill, written by Democratic Reps. Ro Khanna of California, Joe Kennedy III of Massachusetts and Don Beyer of Virginia, would limit the time a justice could serve to 18 years. At which point, the justices would be rotated to a lower courts. The bill exempts currently sitting justices.

Its no secret the Dems are going to try everything within their power to delay or derail the nomination process. What is a surprise is the sheer number of procedural roadblocks they could throw up. Rick Moran has an excellent piece about the roadblocks over at PJmedia. Its worth a read.

While it’s clear the GOP has the votes to get it done, it’s less clear they have the time before the election.

Harry Reid, the former democrat majority leader in the Senate, is now having second thoughts about blowing up the filibuster on judicial nominees. Reid, who retired to his vast holdings in Nevada in 2017 has spoken with many of his former colleagues about this nomination.

Too bad “Whorehouse” Harry retired. . . .

President Trump is set to announce his pick for the vacant seat on the Supreme Court at 1700edt Saturday. We plan on covering the announcement live here at

As of right now, it’s looking like Amy Coney Barrett is going to be the choice. We’ll find out together tomorrow at 1700. Hope to see you all there.