That’ll stick to your ribs!

I’m pretty shure somewhere along the line you’ve heard that maybe not , the udder world down below is a rather strange place

but 6 of this , half dozen of that makes no difference I’m about to stick in your craw for the whole damn day

yaknow, I got enough music I shoulda/coulda been a DJ

here we go

ah 1 and an two

I met her at the pine grove
One hot night in may
She was a blonde haired finnish girl
From up in champion way
She was short and broad of beam
Just like a jackp1ne stump
The boys all flocked around her
Like the seagulls at the dump

I told her I can’t polka
Cause I’m just too drunk to dance
She bounced me all around the floor
Till I almost **** my pants
I fell in love with her that night
And asked her for a date
I took her to my uncle’s camp
And now she’s three months late

Shes late she’s late
Oh lord she’s three months late
I took her to my uncles camp
And now she’s three months late

I drank another six-Pack
And she started looking good
She told me lay down on the bench
I wondered if I should
She beat me with some cedar boughs
And then I couldn’t wait
Now I’m all sore and black and blue
And now she’s three months late

when it’s turdy 30 below eh

what else is there do besides drink beer an chase the wild life around da sauna

it’s ok to hate on me for stickin in your craw

believe you me you ain’t the first one 🙂