the more things change

The more things stay the same

We are all adults here right?

speaking of Women of course

Without Women, life would absolutely BORING why the Redhead Harliquin?

I dyed my mother’s hair Red, not on purpose mind you

was an honest mistake which set her off big time


keeping her blood hot is a good thing these days

2 of her least favorite topics to discuss with me is sex and politics

while you all are lounging around and drinking coffee

I’ll be with mother clearing up a to do list she’s got for me

I’ve chosen sex as the topic for mother

yaknow, way back when, I was like 10/11

she hands me this book go read it, if you have questions ask me

well I asked a question, that’s when she back handed me right outta the chair onto the floor

anyways today I’m gonna ask her… ma as you know Romans didn’t use soap; they preferred to cover themselves in oil and then scrape the accumulated sweat and dirt off themselves with a sharp tool called a strigil. Many aristocratic Roman women would have had the hots for a specific gladiator (in much the same way as people have crushes on celebs today), so they would buy their gladiator’s body grease and use it as a moisturiser and lubricant.

is that something you would do after reading all them Harliquins

I can see you doin something like that ma