The Nobel Peace Prize is Cancelled

Or so the geniuses at the Atlantic want. Yes the same Atlantic that published an incredibly poorly sourced article making claims that the President called war dead ‘losers and suckers’.

Atlantic staff writer Graeme Wood argues the Nobel committee should stop awarding the prize. The reason? In the past 48 hours the President has received two nominations for the prize. He pretties it up with flowery language and soaring rhetoric, but that’s the bottom line.

First, came from Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a Norwegian parliamentarian, who nominated Trump because of the historic Israel-UAE deal. The second comes courtesy of Swedish politician Magnus Jacobsson for the deal Trump brokered between Kosovo and Serbia.

I’ll go on the Record saying the article sucks. I read it.

Wood attempts to dismiss the nominations because both nominators come from political parties he deems ‘problematic’. The only problem I see is Wood is acting as a Dem operative, not as a journalist.