The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Onondaga lake. The lake was one of the most polluted lakes in the country a few short years ago.

Kicking off the VIEW today is President Trump’s visit to Kenosha. Be sure to take the Snap Poll on the subject.

Edward James was the caretaker for the Glorious Church of God in Brooklyn. The 62 year old Mr James was shot to death Monday in front of his church. According to the NY Post, it’s believed that James was specifically targeted by his killer.

Why am I bringing it up? Edward James was a black man. It seems that not all black lives matter. Or as someone put it:

A committee reporting directly to DC mayor Muriel Bowser has recommended name changes for a whole host of public buildings and spaces because the people they’re named after have become “problematic”. The honorees whom the committee says should not have public works named for them include presidents Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor and Woodrow Wilson; Revolutionary leader Benjamin Franklin; inventor Alexander Graham Bell; and national anthem writer Francis Scott Key.

This makes my head hurt. . . .

Those of you residing in, or travelling through, America’s Armpit, err, New Jersey, will notice it costs more to fill up in the state. The gas tax is going up by 9.3 cents per gallon starting this month. Apparently people are driving less, and the treasury is taking a pretty big hit. . . .

President Trump says he wants his supporters to leave the rioters to law enforcement. He made the comments in an interview with Fox’s Laura Ingraham.

“Do you want your supporters to confront the left-wing protestors?” Ingraham asked.

“No,” the president interjected.

“Or do you want to leave it to law enforcement?” she asked.

“No. No, I don’t want them – I want them to leave it to law enforcement,” Trump replied. “But, my supporters are wonderful, hardworking, tremendous people and they turn on their televisions and they look at a Portland and they look at a Kenosha – before I got involved and stopped it – or they look at Chicago where 78 people were shot last weekend. Numerous people died. Or they look at New York where violence is up by what, like 150 percent? It’s up by a number nobody – and they’re leaving. They’re looking at all of this and they can’t believe it. They can’t believe it. My supporter or not.”

I can understand why. The majority of the riots and unrest is occuring in democrat strongholds. I wouldn’t want to have to deal with a politically driven prosecution. And that’s what would happen.

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