The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Canada Lake. The lake located in the Town of Caroga in Fulton County NY.

I know you all don’t trust polling data, this editor doesn’t either, but here are the results of the latest Monmouth poll out of Pennsylvania.

One key thing to note, the spread from this poll is the same spread as the final Monmouth poll in PA in 2016. You’ll recall Trump wound up winning that state. . . .

Speaking of polls, internal democrat polling must have indicated the riots and violence are not playing with the majority of voters. The Biden campaign just did a huge ad buy, running ads that condemn the violence and trying to blame it on Trump. Too little, too late I think.

I have mentioned Russian opposition leader Alexsandr Navalny in previous editions of the View. He fell ill while flying to Moscow from a city in Siberia. The plane he was on was diverted to Omsk, where he was hospitalized. He has since been transferred to a Berlin hospital. Well, the Germans have confirmed he was poisoned. And not with just any poison, he was dosed with a nerve agent called novichuk. As far as this editor knows, only Russia has any of this toxin. They’re the only ones to have used it before.

It’s day 96 of the riots in Portland. You can see our most recent coverage here, here and here. However, it seems the Feds and the Oregon State Police have found a way to bypass Multnomah county prosecutor Mike Schmidt. The Feds have been deputizing OSP officers so they can make arrests with federal charges. The OSP issued a statement about the arrangement.

“OSP is not criticizing any officials and we respect the authority of the [Multnomah County] District Attorney, but to meet the Governor’s charge of bringing violence to an end we will use all lawful methods at our disposal,” an Oregon State Police spokesperson said

Uh huh.

Staying in Portland momentarily, mayor Ted Wheeler is looking for new digs. It seems his AntiFa buddies have chased him from his $800k condo in downtown Portland.

I think we can safely say Nancy Pelosi is a hypocrite. San Fran Nan went and got her hair did at a salon in ‘Frisco. What’s the big deal you might ask? Well, According to gualeiter Newsome’s diktats, that salon was supposed to be closed. It would have been for anyone other than Nan.

But wait, there’s more! When called on it, the hypocrite tried to blame the salon owner.

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