The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of today’s sunrise on Lake Champlain.

Just a quick reminder for those who live on the Gulf and East Coast, hurricane season isn’t over yet. Right now the National Hurricane Center is tracking 4 tropical disturbances in the Atlantic. Two of the four have at least an 80% chance of turning into tropical storms.

I wonder what Bill is thinking right now? He looks less than pleased. . . .

A strange rain fell on Tel Aviv on Thursday.

Nothing like a little bit of the Devil’s lettuce falling from the sky to brighten your day. Unfortunately, the guys behind the stunt may be in a spot of trouble. Possession of small amounts of weed has been decriminalized, however distribution has not. The Times of Israel has more on this story.

Novak Djokovic, the No. 1 tennis player in the world, was well on his way to winning a fourth US Open. That is until he hit a linesman with a ball.

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