The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of the St. Lawrence river taken from Grenadier Island.

Today’s edition of the View is going to be short. It’s Labor day and this editor doesn’t feel like laboring. . . .

I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday.

The unrest following a disputed election in Belarus continues. The opposition leader Maria Kolesnikova has been kidnapped, apparently by security forces. “Little Green Men” without any identifing markings have been seen in Minsk. Vladimir Putin has amped up the pressure on Belarusian strong man Alexander Lukashenko. And the Kremlin is blaming Poland for the unrest.

A Harvard CAPS / Harris Poll says 92% of voters say the riots and unrest will be a key issue in their decision for President in 2020. No duh.

A Pennsylvania union has endorsed Donald Trump’s re-election bid. The Boilermakers Local 154 announced the endorsement on Monday.

“As the United States continues to lead the world in oil and natural gas production it is imperative that we continue to battle over-regulations in the fossil fuel industries and fight for American energy production. My members and their families are dependent on these industries and it is imperative that we continue to develop new opportunities and energy infrastructure in America,” wrote John Hughes, the union’s business manager. “Boilermaker jobs specifically rely on coal-fired power generation and we strongly encourage the advancement of Carbon Capture technologies which can secure future jobs for our members. It is with great honor that I write this letter to endorse your campaign as you run for re-election of the President of the United States.”

I’d like to extend my personal thanks, and that of the entire team, to all of you who visit our site. Without you, dear Constant Reader, we wouldn’t be here. As always, our email is open for tips, critiques, story ideas and anything else you have on your minds. Feel free to drop us a line. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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