The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Jamesville Reservoir. The reservoir is an impoundment of Butternut creek and is located near the village of Jamesville in Onondaga county NY.

It seems that the Chinese Lung AIDS was making it’s way through Los Angeles far sooner than previously thought. A team of researchers analyzed more than 10 million UCLA Health System outpatient, emergency department and hospital facility records between Dec. 1, 2019, and Feb. 29, 2020 – months just before there was an awareness of the presence of the novel coronavirus in the United States. They discovered patients seeking treatment for coughs in the outpatient clinics “increased by over 50% and exceeded the average number of visits for the same complaint over the prior five years by more than 1,000,” the study press release stated.

No kidding. . . .

Here’s some encouraging news out of Pennsylvania. In the four years since the last general elections the GOP has signed 198,000 new voters on their rolls, while the Democrats have acquired about 15% of that figure; they have recorded only 29,000 new voters.

Los Angeles director of pubic health, Barbara Ferrer, was caught on tape saying the LA Consolidated School District won’t reopen until after election day.

“So we uh don’t realistically anticipate moving that we would be moving to either Tier 2 or to reopening K-12 schools at least through… at least until after the election, after you know, early November. Like when we just look at the timing of everything it seems to us the more realistic approach to this would be to think that we are going to be where we are now, until we are done with the elections.” (emphasis mine.)

Ok, first off I thought the (over)reaction to the Chinese coronavirus was based on Science! Clearly the choice of election day as the time frame for reopening is political. And the way it was dropped several times means there were internal discussion about it. I mean why not Halloween? Or Thanksgiving?

Attorney General William Barr announced that 28,560 pounds of methamphetamine have been seized and $43 million in drug proceeds have been confiscated as part of Operation Crystal Shield. The operation was launched in February 2020 as a response to Mexican cartels producing methamphetamine on an industrial scale before trafficking the deadly drug to the United States in bulk. The operation targeted nine major city hubs used by cartels to distribute the drug to towns across the country: Atlanta, San Diego, El Paso, Dallas, Los Angeles, New Orleans, St. Louis and Phoenix.

In a move that surprises almost no one, Senate Democrats blocked a cloture vote on the so-called skinny coronavirus relief bill. In a straight party line vote, the motion to end debate, which requires 60 votes, wound up 52- 47. Care to guess who missed the vote?

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