The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Mine Mile Creek. The creek runs from it source at Otisco Lake to Onondaga lake in Onondaga county NY. It’s a fantastic trout stream.

Several prominent west coast Dems have proclaimed the wildfires raging in the west are all caused by climate change. There are also claims floating around that this fire season is unprecedented. First, these fires, and I’m not trying to minimize the loss of life and suffering they’re causing, are not unprecedented. It’s a matter of historical record that nearly all the land west of the Rockies burned, on average, every 100 years. Next up, these fires are more a result of poor silviculture practices than they are of any supposed climate change. And for those of you who don’t know, silviculture is also known as forestry management.

California governor Gavin Newsome signed the bill that would change the requirements for the California sex offender registry. I covered this travesty in full here.

The Take Back Action Fund, a conservative group, did some digging into the funding for the Biden campaign. What they found was eye-opening to say the least. Almost half of the donations to ActBlue, a Dem funding group, came from unemployed donors. For comparison, about 6% of donors to the Trump campaign were unemployed.

I need another weather check in Hell. This time it’s Bill Maher that I agree with. The HBO host called out the media for downplaying the violence in the major cities. In an exchange with former CNN correspondent Jessica Yelling Maher pushed back at the premise the violence and looting was a legitimate part of the protests.

“What about the property destruction issue?” Maher asked. He went on to assert that some defenders of looting justified the destruction because it wasn’t assault or murder, and that property was “replaceble.”

“I’m not down with this ‘property’s on the table’ as something that we can just take because things are not right. To me, that’s not the way to address our problems — by throwing a brick through the window.”

“But where is this massive destruction of property happening right now?” author Jessica Yellin, a former CNN correspondent, asked in an attempt to downplay the violence.

“Do you watch the news?” Maher replied.

“If you look at Portland, it’s two square blocks!” Yellin doubled down, calling other examples, like Kenosha, Wis., “moments of protest which we have throughout our history.”

Maher pushed back, telling Yellin, “There is a view in the media — please, I know you’ve seen it — Don’t look at me like I’m making this up, that this is somehow a justifiable approach.”

“Well isn’t it part of protest?” Yellin asked.

“So you’re part of this. You believe this,” Maher told her. “I saw this guy at a Papa John’s franchise who was yelling through his broken glass, ‘You’re going to elect Trump and I’m just trying to feed my family!’ I don’t think his view is just like ‘C’est la vie! It’s just property!'”

A rreporter for Los Angeles NPR station KPCC was arrested and charged with interfering with police outside of St. Francis hospital last night. Josie Huang attempted to interfere in the arrest of a male. According to reports, she rushed the cops as they were cuffing the male. She didn’t identify herself as press at the time.

“The female adult, who was later identified as a member of the press, did not identify herself as press and later admitted she did not have proper press credentials on her person. Both individuals have been arrested for 148 P.C.,” the LASD noted on Twitter.

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