The View from Here

Today’s featured image is somewhat more specific than usual. It’s the salmon gate at the Salmon River Fish Hatchery near Altmar NY. The hatchery provides most of the chinook, coho, steelhead and brown trout stocked in lake Ontario. The gate got featured today because this editor got reports of the first run of salmon have entered the river.

Remember that story about the Russians paying bounties to the Taliban for killing US troops? Well, according to CENTCOM commander General Frank McKenzie it never happened. After a months long review, he found no evidence of Russian bounties. He did say however, that they would continue to investigate.

Oh boy, looks like Kamala was telling the truth. Joe just said it was going to be the Harris/Biden administration if they get elected.

I’ve sort of been avoiding this next piece, frankly I understand both sides. Two football players at Little Miami highschool in Ohio have been suspended indefinitely for bringing blue lives matter and red lives matter flags onto the field as part of the pregame festivities. The pair had requested permission to carry the flags, and the school district declined. So, they did it anyway. And paid the price.

As I said, I see both sides of this. First, the school district should have granted permission. Their stated reason for not doing so was that the flags may be considered divisive by some. Ok, other than the moral cowardice displayed, the school decided against it and that’s fine. Second, the boys knew they were likely to be disciplined for their actions, and did it anyway. They thought they were standing up for what was right and proper. I’m a bit conflicted, so let me know what you think below.

The Historic deal between Israel and UAE and Bahrain was inked today in a White House ceremony. Finally, a move, and a big one, towards peace in the Middle East and what does San Fran Nan have to say? She says it’s a “distraction”.

“Good for him for having a distraction on a day when the numbers of people who are affected and the numbers of people who are dying from this virus only increases,” Pelosi sarcastically said when asked about the deal.

The family of Breona Taylor has reached an out of court settlement with the city of Louisville. Louisville, KY Mayor Greg Fischer announced a $12 million settlement has been reached with the estate of Breonna Taylor. The 26-year-old Taylor was killed by Louisville Metro Police Department officers when they obtained a “no knock” warrant at her home on March 13. It is the largest ever payout by the city for police misconduct.

Ed Markey is an idiot. A drooling, blithering, idiot. The junior Senator from Massachusetts suggests that every police department in the country be stripped of all their less lethal crowd control equipment. He holds up Portland, where they’re currently on day 107 or 108 of riots, as an example.

I take that back, he’s not an idiot. Calling him one would be an insult to idiots everywhere, not that they’d know. . . .

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