The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge is located at the north end of Cayuga Lake in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State. The refuge contains 9,809 acres and is situated in Seneca, Wayne, and Cayuga Counties.

It seems San Fran Nan got some polling data that caused her to change her mesaaging. For the first time since the unrest broke out across the country, Nan came out against it.

“We support peaceful demonstrations. We participate in them. They are part of the essence of our democracy. That does not include looting, starting fires, or rioting, they should be prosecuted. That is lawlessness.”

You’ll note there are a couple of significant omissions in her statement. She does not condemn either AntiFa or BLM by name.

In a related note, support for BLM has dropped significantly since this summer. A Fox News/Pew research poll found support among those polled went from a high of 68% in June to 55% in the most recent polls. A related Fox poll showed a plurality (48% to 40%) of Americans saw the ongoing unrest as “riots” rather than as protests.

Sandy from the Bronx is back in the national news. In an interview Alexandria Ocasio Cortez said the quiet part out loud. That Joe will be not much more than a figurehead.

Of course the Trump campaign wasted no time “pouncing”.

Remember that “siege” that was planned for the White House? I almost forgot myself. Well, seems there’s been a setback already. The opening event, scheduled for today was cancelled by the organizers. They cited safety or something, because they got some non-specific threats from Trump supporters or white nationalists or whatever.

FBI director Christopher Wray testified in front of the House Homeland Security Committee today. Part of his testimony was about AntiFa.

“Antifa is a real thing. It’s not a group or an organization. It’s a movement, or an ideology may be one way of thinking of it and we have quite a number, and I’ve said this quite consistently since my first time appearing before this committee, we have any number of properly predicated investigations into what we would describe as violent anarchist extremists and some of those individuals self-identify with Antifa,”

Where’s Fat Jerry Nadler now?

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