The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of sunset on Lake Ontario taken from Brennan’s Beach, a campground on the eastern shore of the lake.

There seems to be a timeline in place for the nomination of the next Supreme Court Justice. President Trump says he’ll forward the nomination either Friday or Saturday, after the burial of RBG. Seems like inspired timing to me.

Of those currently thought to be front runners, I’d like to see Barbara Lagoa nominated. Not because I think she’s any more qualified than anyone else, though her record is impeccable, but because I want to see the Dems try to attack a Hispanic (her family are Cuban Immigrants) in the midst of an election.

While we’re on the subject, the RNC released a new ad featuring all the Democrat calls to fill a SCOTUS vacancy.

My how times have changed. . . .

A recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll showed that only 22 percent of Americans believe that the presidential election will be “free and fair.”

From Yahoo:

“Half of Trump supporters (50 percent) say the election will not be free and fair; more than a third of Biden supporters (37 percent) agree. Overall, the number of Americans who say the election will not be free and fair (46 percent) is more than twice the number who say the opposite. Another third (32 percent) say they’re not sure what to expect.” 

Even the Amish are jumping on the Trump Train. Or some of them at least, the Amish are notoriously apolitical. Anyway, some Amish folks held a Trump Wagon Train over the weekend as part of a political outreach program.

There are an estimated 100k Amish in both Ohio and Pennsylvania, enough to tip the scales if they get out to vote. . . .

Minneapolis now has its very own autonomous zone. The “free state of George Floyd”. The area has become a no-go zone for police and first responders.

That’s not going to end well. There have already been “incidents” of first responders being attacked while trying to respond to ambulance calls and such. Unfortunately, the Minneapolis PD is in no way capable of restoring order. Not only are they severely understaffed due to the recent wave of retirements and resignations, the political powers won’t allow them to do what’s needful.

I noted the new impeachment talk swirling around the vacant Supreme Court seat here. You know it’s a bad idea when even Rahm Emanuel says it’s a bad idea. Emanuel made his feelings known during an appearance on This Week on ABC.

Actor Michael Lonsdale had died. You probably remember him as Hugo Dead in the James Bond movie Moonraker. He was 89.

Requiescat In Pace.

Kane Tanaka is 117 years and 261 days old. That makes her the oldest person according to the Guinness people.

Tanaka was born on Jan. 2, 1903, the Japan Times reported. She currently lives in a senior home in Fukuoka, where she enjoys studying math, the game Othello and chocolate.

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