The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Owasco Lake. The lake is one of the Finger lakes, and is located in Cayuga county NY.

Senator Chuck Schumer, D(umbass) NY, held an outdoor press conference today. I didn’t bother to watch, because frankly his voice makes me want to puke, fortunately others did. A couple of people in the audience played their best Statler and Waldorf and heckled the crap out of him.

Baimadajie Angwang, a naturalized citizen and NYPD officer, was arrested and charged with spying for the CCP. Angwang is a former Marine who also worked for the U.S. Army Reserve and had a SECRET-level security clearance for his work “planning, training, advising and executing civil-military programs.” According to the official DOJ release, Angwang reported on the activities of Chinese citizens in the New York area, spotted and assessed potential intelligence sources within the Tibetan community in New York and elsewhere, and provided PRC officials with access to senior NYPD officials through invitations to official events.

The Democrats are threatening to pack the court again. I would like to think that they’re aware enough of the history of that ploy to not go ahead with it if they get the chance. But let’s say they do, the cost would be staggering. Shipwreckedcrew over at RedState has a particularly good piece about it up now. He lists the senators most likely to get voted out if they do pack the court. There are 14 of them in the next two cycles.

Florida governor Ron DeSantis announced new legislation he wants passed. It deals with rioters and greatly increases the penalties for those convicted of related crimes. It also indemnifies motorists who get surrounded by rioters and drive away for their own safety.

The attacks on Amy Coney Barrett have started already. Newsweek tried to connect Barrett’s religious group, the People of Praise, to the group the author of the Handmaid’s Tale says inspired her and were forced to retract when the got the wrong group. Now Reuters is trying the same thing.

Tommy DeVito has died. He was a founding member of the Four Seasons along with Frankie Valli, Bob Gaudio and Nick Massi. DeVito was a baritone vocalist and lead guitarist for the group. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1990. He was 92.

Resquiscat In Pace.

The trial for those who helped 2 algerian men shoot up the offices of French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo is underway. The magazine decided to reprint the mohammed cartoons that the shooters took such offense at in response to the start of the trial. Now, the HR director for the parent company has had to go into hiding. During an interview, she stated her security detail, that she’s had since the shooting in 2015, have received specific and credible threats.

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