The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of the Grasse River. The river flows north out of the northwestern Adirondacks and drains into the St Lawrence at Massena NY. On a personal note, this editor caught his first Muskellunge on the Grasse. On my 2nd cast. My father held it against me till his dying day. . .

The first piece today is just breaking as I write today’s View. It seems there are more damning text messages relating to the Flynn persecution. From the little I’ve read so far, the texts came to light as part of a document dump to General Flynn’s attorneys and show a bunch of people at both the FBI and CIA were aware that they did wrong. Some of them went so far as to purchase professional liability insurance, so they could pay legal bills. And that’s not fishy at all. . . .

This one pisses me off a bit. An Ohio mother was tazed and arrested for not wearing a mask at her son’s middle school football game.

The Ohio mask orders don’t require masks outside when social distancing can be maintained. From what I can tell, the woman was more than 6 feet from any of the other spectators. Worse, there are supposed to be warnings issued before any arrest or tickets issued.

The FBI is investigating a bunch of mail-in ballots that ended up in the trash. “On Monday, September 21, 2020, at the request of Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis, the Office of the United States Attorney along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Scranton Resident Office, began an inquiry into reports of potential issues with a small number of mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Board of Elections,” the Department of Justice said in a statement. “Since Monday, FBI personnel working together with the Pennsylvania State Police have conducted numerous interviews and recovered and reviewed certain physical evidence. Election officials in Luzerne County have been cooperative. At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded. Investigators have recovered nine ballots at this time. Some of those ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot. All nine ballots were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump.”

The US Marshall’s Service announced they have recovered 35 missing kids in northern Ohio as part of Operation Safety Net, a combined federal and local taskforce. The kids were between 13 and 17 years old.

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