The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of the Sodus point lighthouse. The light marks the entrance to Sodus Bay, on Lake Ontario.

In a surprising turn, the NYT actually fact checked something Joe said at the debates last night. The “Gray lady” hit joe for his economic claims. They let the rest of his falsehoods go, but I suppose it’s something. . . .

Rob Roos, a Dutch member of the EU parliament wants his fellow parliamentarians to nominate Donald Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize. It’s unlikely to go anywhere, the EU parliament is only slightly left of the old Soviet Politburo. That sound you hear coming from the east, that’s a bunch of MEP heads exploding.

Senator Lindsey Graham weighed in on the idea that ACB should recuse herself from any election related cases that my make their way before the Supreme Court.

“I think that is one of the most absurd ideas I’ve ever heard. There is no legal disqualification. She doesn’t have a legal conflict. She doesn’t decide the election, she does vote like everybody else, but no. That’s a ridiculous idea that she can’t hear election claims because she was nominated in an election year,” he said. 

I kinda like this version of Lindsey. . . .

There are two music industry deaths to report today.

First up is Mac Davis. He wrote for Elvis and had his own variety show from 1974-76. The singer songwriter died after heart surgery. He was 78.

Next is Helen Reddy. The Australian singer, best known for her hit “I Am Woman” passed yesterday at age 78.

Resquiscat In Pace.

Lin Wood, one of the attorneys representing Kyle Rittenhouse, isn’t playing around with Joe Biden. He’s threatened legal action if the Biden campaign doesn’t take down an ad accusing Rittenhouse of being a white supremacist. Better listen Joe, Lin already got big money from a bunch of media outlets. . .

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