Trump to GOP: We Have an Obligation

The inevitable political fallout from the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has begun already.

The left has started to melt down, comparing the Ginsburg vacancy to that of Antonin Scalia and the (failed) Merrick Garland nomination. The problem with that analogy is that the Senate in 2016 was Republican and the President a Democrat. A more apt comparison can be made with Sandra Day O’connor or John Paul Stevens. Both were confirmed in less than 40 day. And in both cases the Senate Majority and the President were of the same party.

President Trump tweeted the Republicans have an obligation to vote on a nominee without delay.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell released a statement saying whoever Trump nominates “will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate.”

Meanwhile, those on the left are busily melting down over the potential for another Trump SCOTUS nominee. A common thread seems to be threats of riots and violence.

A mob decended on Mitch Mcconnell’s house after someone on twitter published his address. He wasn’t home at the time.