Two More Sleeps!

Two More Sleeps

It’s a carryover from childhood. When the sibs and I were full of anticipatory excitement about an upcoming holiday or special event, we didn’t count down the days remaining. We counted the “sleeps,” – how many more times we’d be going to bed before waking up to a magical day. As of today, there are two more sleeps until the first 2020 presidential debate. Come on, bedtime!

The public debate forum provides an opportunity for We, the People to gain insight into a candidates views on current events and other issues that affect the nation. There are three presidential debate showcases scheduled for the two men currently seeking election to the office of President of the United States of America; incumbent President Donald John Trump and former Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. (yes, somebody thought that so fine a name it’s been carried by two Biden males) As is the norm, all three publicly broadcast contests will be held in three different U.S. cities, moderated by “talking head” types. The moderator of each debate will compile a list of topics for the candidates to debate so we don’t grow overly bored hearing the same ole same ole hashed out at each meeting. All three debates are slated to begin at 9 p.m. ET.

Presidential Debate #1
September 29, 2020
Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
Moderator: Chris Wallace-anchor of Fox News Sunday

Presidential Debate #2
October 15, 2020
Adrienne Arsht Center
Miami, Florida
Moderator: Steve Scully-senior executive producer and political editor at C-SPAN

Presidential Debate #3
October 22, 2020
Belmont University
Nashville, Tennessee
Moderator: Kristen Welker-anchor and White House correspondent at NBC News

We have a civic duty to watch the presidential debates every four years, no matter how much an eye rolling reflex may tell us to ignore the somewhat boring display of competitive preening. Debates not only help us discover the candidate more thoroughly than do talking points and campaign slogans, we are also afforded opportunity to judge how a person might comport him or herself in a time of stress when instant decisions and action are demanded. This year, responsible ‘Merican citizens exercising their exceptional right to view presidential candidates explain how they plan to wield pen, axe and olive branch have more than duty driving us to witness such gladiatorial battles of political wit. The 2020 Presidential Debates hold promise to be unlike any past or future because one of the candidates is demented. Sadly. For us, as a nation, and for those who turned an elderly man into a caricature of who they want him to be. Those people must not believe they possess souls. Only explain.

The good part? Unexpected entertainment value where once duty filled drudgery lived. While it will actually be painful for this he’ah ‘Merican to watch an old man with dementia publicly humiliate himself, September 29 just cannot get here fast enough. What a treasure chest of unknowns . . . a wondrous day it will be! There’s a mist of mystery, accented with a tingly, teasy beckoning urge of pure delight. Anything could happen, anything. I wonder . . .

Will they throw? How much would you regret missing the debate if jackets are tossed, ties loosened and the two fellas have at one another? Bookies all over the world are placing odds on who breaks a hip, first.

Will Joe leave his podium, wag his finger in President Trump’s face and say something like, “you’re a gaw damn lying dog-faced pony soldier who doesn’t know when to applaud! Slow ass loser!” We can count on cussing. Odds being offered on Joe cussing hover at 1-1. That’s the only known we can count on with Joseph Robinette, the rest is a crap shoot.

Will Dr. Jill or Pazza Pelosi storm the stage when Biden begins to falter worse than Ron Paul did while stroking out during a live video feed?

Will President Trump spend an hour looking at Joe, wearing that half-cocked smirk of his? Priceless if DJT were to remain mostly silent, responding to every moderator question sent his way with, “Yes, no, maybe . . . hush. I want to hear what my esteemed colleague has to say.”

Joe Biden stated, “I’m gonna be a fact-checker on the floor while I’m debating him,” after Pelosi told reporters she thought a Presidential Debate season was pointless (the first time.) Joe’s handlers seem to have found an ingenious, to them, way of justifying their man holding and looking at an iPad-type tablet device throughout the entire spectacle. An EMP event at the debates could, literally, save the nation.

OK! So we have an exciting Presidential Debate Season about to open! Wanna know what else will be a good time with no Land Management license needed? The vice presidential debate between incumbent Vice President Michael Richard Pence and Senator Kamala Devi Harris (Emhoff).

SIDENOTE: Didja know Kamala’s husband of six years, Douglas Emhoff, is a Jewish white man? Just like AOC’s boyfriend since college, Riley Roberts, is a white boy. How the heck do their supporters qualify such a race based hate logic dichotomy?

There is only one vice presidential debate and it is scheduled for October 7, 2020, 9 p.m. ET, and will be hosted by the University of Utah – Kingsbury Hall on President’s Circle, part of the Nancy Peery Marriott Auditorium – in Salt Lake City, Utah. You probably could not put two more different people on one stage at the same time. Pence is a conservative man, loyal and devoted husband with conventional Christian values. Harris is a Marxist woman, a proud adulterer (adultress? who cares), raised a Hindu and currently self-describes as a Black Baptist.

Only 11 more sleeps until October 7. Woooo Hoooooo!!!