WATCH: Trump Speaks at 9/11 Memorial

President Trump delivered remarks at the 9/11 Memorial near Shanksville Pennsylvania this morning.

The president recalled the final moments before the flight crashed into a field near Shanksville Pennsylvania, forever remembered now in the immortal words of passenger Todd Beamer, who led a counter-attack on al-Qaeda terrorists who had taken over the cockpit.

OK, Let’s Roll

Immediately, those onboard Flight 93 started planning a response.  Sandy Bradshaw, a flight attendant, called her husband and told him they were in the back of the plane preparing hot water to throw onto the hijackers.  Passenger Jeremy Glick explained the plan to his wife and said, “Stay on the line.  I’ll be back.”

The passengers and crew members came together, took a vote, and they decided to act.  At that moment, they took their fate — and America’s fate –- back into their own hands.

In the last 20 minutes, many placed their final calls home, whispering those eternal words: “I love you.”  Some said the Lord’s Prayer.  And then they bravely charged the cockpit.  They attacked the enemy.  They fought until the very end.  And they stopped the forces of terror and defeated this wicked, horrible, evil plan.

Official White House Transcript

Related: September 11