Welcome to Saturday Conversation

Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea

Served with

As she is, currently, making more headlines, this should provide a laugh. Unfortunately, it is almost to true.

Three California surgeons were playing golf one Saturday and they started to brag about their past accomplishments — 

The first one said, “I had a patient that cut off four fingers on a table saw   and I reattached them so well he now is playing the guitar in a band!”

The second doctor said, “I had a patient who was in a bad motorcycle accident and lost his leg and arm.  I reattached them and now he’s  been invited to train with the Olympic gymnastics team!” 

The third doctor said, “That’s pretty good, … several years ago I received a patient who had been riding her horse down a railroad track and was hit by a high speed train.  All they could find was the horse’s ass and her hair.  I put them together and now she’s the Speaker of the House.