Where Do You Go From Here?

An 11 year old Wisconsin hunter just took what may be the state record black bear. Sixth grader Naiya Iraci hadn’t ever even seen a black bear before Sept. 9, let alone shot one. 


“I was nervous, I was kind of shaking,” Iraci said describing when she saw the bear. Itachi’s Grandfather and hunting partner told NBC 15 they weren’t sure if it was going to make the record books. “We don’t know yet,” explained Michael Frank. “It’s in the process of being cleaned and dried for 60 days. It goes by skull measurement. We’re just going to have to wait.”

The massive bruin field dressed at 720 pounds and the skull measured around 22″ before the 60 day drying period. The current Wisconsin record bear skull measured 22 12/16 inches and the world record bear skull was found in Utah and measured 23 10/16 inches.