Benghazi – Part 2

During the first posting, we noted that Alan Parrot the CIA whistleblower spoke of the formation of the Safari Club which was established in 1976. The name sake came from a resort in Kenya, where the first meeting occurred, operated by a Saudi arms dealer, Adnan Khashoggi. Yes, uncle to Dodi Fayed (Princess Diana) and Jamal Khashoggi (NYT journalist, Saudi Arabia embassy in Istanbul)

You can read more about Adnan here; who was considered to have had one of the most flamboyant lifestyles of his generation – fitting that it was featured by the New York Times article:

Back to the Safari Club and it is worth noting, with the recent focus on the events surrounding Benghazi, an updated occurred on Wikipedia as of September 23, 2020. Per Wiki the purpose in the formation of Club was:

The Safari Club was a covert alliance of intelligence services formed in 1976 that ran clandestine operations around Africa at a time when the United States Congress had limited the power of the CIA after years of abuses and when Portugal was withdrawing from Africa.[1] Its formal members were the pre-revolution Iran (Pahlavi dynasty), EgyptSaudi ArabiaMorocco and France. The group maintained informal connections with the United StatesSouth AfricaRhodesia and Israel.

Alexandre de Marenches initiated the pact with messages to the four other countries—and to newly independent Algeria, which declined to participate.[2
France – Alexandre de Marenches, Director of the Service de Documentation Extérieure et de Contre-Espionnage (SDECE), the external intelligence agency
Saudi Arabia – Kamal Adham, Director of Intelligence Al Mukhabarat Al A’amah
Egypt – General Kamal Hassan Ali, Director of the Intelligence Mukhabarat
Morocco – General Ahmed Dlimi, Director of Intelligence and commander of the Royal Moroccan Army
Iran – General Nematollah Nassiri of SAVAK (Iranian Intelligence)


And as with all arms sales; whether they are legal or illegal; this generally involves a substantial amount of “cash” and not all banking institutions welcome these type of clients. Thus, we see the emergence of BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International) a small Pakistani banking institute; during which time George H.W. Bush was then the director of the CIA, gave his blessings to the formation of the pact. What began as a resistance in preventing the advancement of communism by the Safari Club, evolved in to one of the largest money laundering and dark intelligence gathering networks world wide.

Also, worth noting the most tumultuous time of recent history, seems to coincide with the Clintons positions of power:
Governor & Lady of Arkansas – 1979 to 1981 and 1983 to 1992
President & First Lady – 1993 to 2001
Hillary R Clinton – Senator for New York 2001 to 2009
Hillary R Clinton – Secretary of State 2009 to 2013

Now we are all aware of the catalysts that set off the wars in the Middle East and the downing of the three towers on that fateful date of September 11, 2001 and the hunt for Asama Bin Laden. However, too many questions have remained unanswered and the deaths of the four Americans in the Benghazi Embassy, Libya and subsequent deaths of Seal Team Six in the Tangi Valley, Afghanistan and the subsequent deaths of Patriots fighting the never ending wars in the Middle East have created, what many have considered an abyss of twenty years of interconnected “unknowns“.

In Hunting for the truths, a recent report has emerged from Nick Noe, and a falconer by the name of Allan Parrot and the father of Ty Woods killed in Benghazi, Charles Woods.

Who is Nick Noe?

Also: The Rebuttal from Rob O’Neil:

Navy SEAL who killed Bin Laden rebukes conspiracy that Bin Laden raid was staged after Trump retweets it:

Rob O’Neill, the U.S. Navy SEAL who has claimed credit for killing Osama Bin Laden, took to Twitter on Tuesday to push back on a theory shared by President Donald Trump, that the raid to kill Osama Bin Laden was staged and that a Bin Laden body double was killed in the raid.

On Tuesday, as the U.S. Navy celebrated its 245th birthday, O’Neill tweeted, “Very brave men said goodby to their kids to go kill Osama bin Laden. We were given the order by President Obama. It was not a body double. Thank you Mr. President. Happy birthday @USNavy.” …continued