Biden Campaign Schedule

Joe Biden is making an appearance in North Carolina today and won’t be seen again in public until the debate on Thursday.

Ostensibly, this is for debate prep, or so his surrogates are saying. Realistically, it’s to prevent any enterprising reporter from asking him about the influence peddling scheme he and his son Hunter cooked up. Polls taken since the news broke are showing a negative effect for Joe, his numbers are down, on average, by 2% points.

I’ll admit to being somewhat skeptical of the NY Post story when it first broke, however it’s becoming more and more clear that the Biden’s have been selling influence to whomever they could. The latest emails, from a former Hunter Biden business associate, paint a clear picture of Joe being a direct beneficiary of this scheme.

There has been no denial from the Biden camp of any of the allegations other than a weak, “it wasn’t on his official calender” statement early on.