Election Assignment

As the home screen calendar days shows, it is fifteen days till Election Day. So, let us think about elections and voting. 

For a great majority of citizens, they pay scant attention to their local candidates. Why this is so confounds my pea brain. 

In almost all instances, state and local laws impact you much more quickly. City/county councils meet and laws/ordinances go into effect within ninety days. The same is applicable with state/Commonwealth legislation. 

Have any of you completed your due diligence on your local candidates? Do you know where their election funding is coming from? As an example, an individual running in Georgia has 75% of their funding coming out of California. Do you know what their background is? Do you know what organizations they are part of? Do you know anything about their staff? You do realize staff have great influence on a candidate. 

Our county elects judges. I once took a week and sat in every judges courtroom to see their demeanor, rulings, etc. One never knows when they will see one of these folk. 

In the name of our great Republic, PLEASE carefully scrutinize school board candidates!! First, these apparatchiks directly impact your children/grandchildren. Further, it is, often, their first step in the political ladder. One of our worst state delegates, ever, started on a school board. 

You have your assignment. The due date for completion is the day you walk into your voting precinct and cast your ballot. Please do not receive a failing grade.