Equal Treatment – Not Desired

This past week the Democrats, graciously, gave us a break from calling everyone a racist. They returned to sexism.

Since the inception of feminism, we have been told they were fighting for equality. Though they are loathe to admit it, the goal has been reached. They failed to understand that reaching that goal would bring literal equality. 

No longer do we hear women can be anything they choose. In fact, there are more women enrolled in college/university than are men. 

With that success came expectations. One of those expectations was that men could treat women the way men treat other men. As regularly shown, such is verboten. 

This demand for preferential treatment was displayed during the vice-presidential debate. Vice President Pence committed the “sin” of treating Kamala Harris as he would treat other men he has debated. Rather than being applauded for treating Senator Harris as an equal, Pence was accused of “mansplaining”. “Mansplaining” is an invented crime of feminazis. 

The truth of the matter is is feminists, leftists, and almost anyone who is claiming to pursue equality are seeking preferential treatment. What these individuals are demanding is not compatible but, in fact, destructive. 

Equality is not what Democrats seek. Further they would never accept it. Democrats are not to be criticized and are not to be found responsible for anything. All bad things are to be blamed on Republicans, even if the evidence clearly shows such is not the case. 

Governor Witless oops Whitmer accusing President Trump’s rhetoric, for the planning of her kidnapping, does not that prevarication true. Senator Harris being interrupted, during the debate, had nothing to do with which restroom she uses. It was for the untruths she used. 

The demand for equality, while insisting on different treatment, is not a case of liberal women being victims. It is a case of Democrats, as is customary, being hypocrites!